Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Magnolia paint conserve you the world
Andrew Bailey breaks out whitewash, Test drives new Prius and inhales his first gin and tonic cloud
The angry reaction to the suggestion that black cars should be banned in the US as part of efforts to reduce oil consumption and control global warming (Described in RAC magazine last month) Has not stopped left field recommendations for reducing carbon emissions. Most recent advice from a key White House official is: Paint your own home white. For traditionalists in our midst, Fortunately - magnolia is every bit as good.
Steven Chu, US Energy Secretary and President Obama's global warming guru, Has said that painting our planet's advertising to children roofs, Roads and pavements white will keep buildings cooler and enormously cut reliance on energy intensive mechanical cooling. Dr Chu 's no pony-Tail having, shoe-Flashing hippy. He is a Nobel award-Winning researcher.
Dr Chu compute that the low-Tech solution would be as effective at reducing around the world as taking all the world's cars off the road for 11 years. The precept is well-Seated. High intensity sunlight energy replicated off a white or light-Coloured surface is transported straight back through the atmosphere into space. To the, When sunlight is absorbed by dark materials - most notably bricks, Tiles and the road - it is become ground-Level heat and in order to the warming of the planet. Pale roofs think up to four times as much energy as dark ones, Keeping buildings cool and reducing reliance on air cooling. This can save up to 15 per cent on the action bill.
Without imperative changes in behaviour or adoption of new technology, It is predicted that number of heat-Trapping carbon dioxide flowing into the atmosphere increases by nearly 40 per cent by 2030 as energy consumption grows.
In britain, The division of Health's Heatwave Plan for England, Introduced last month, Also says painting houses white. It also reveals people should replace carpets with tiles or wood, Hang shades with white linings and - some people enough - install electric fans.
Cool moveAs informed us here a while back, Most up-to-date version of Toyota's flagship green car, Any Prius, Has been given a new twist on economical cooling. Now marketed and rechristened the Plurimus, The new model has a roof-Mounted solar panel that generates electricity to power fans to vent hot air from the cabin on hot days.
The car is also equipped with hvac, But oddly enough unlike traditional in-Car systems it doesn't stop here run off a fan-Belt-driven by the engine. And surprisingly, somewhat, It is electrically energy, Enabling owners to operate cooling devoid of producing engine running.
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Real tonicI was entertained to read in last month's RAC magazine about the London bar where they are using modern humidification quick create a walk-In cloud of vapourised gin and pick-me-up. A quantity of six-plus-every-Half litres of the alcoholic liquid are atomised into the air every hour and guests can just inhale to get a blast of the industry's favourite tipple.
One can imagine various extensions of the idea being rolled out soon. How about a cloud of vaporised Pimms wafting during the Centre Court at Wimbledon? Or a comforting mist of gripe water filling gardening shop?
It's not possible a new idea, Obviously, The important men's clubs of the north long ago perfected the art. Walk into any store after 9.00pm on a Saturday night and will also be hit by a refreshing wall of vaporised Watney's Red Barrel. Straight away, That's real planet