Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kids to clarify Budget Deficit During Tuesday's Republican Presidential Debate VIDEO

During the following thursday night's Republican presidential debate, The candidates will likely spar over one way to ruin cut the nation's budget deficit, An issue so complex that the Peter G. Peterson groundwork, These days debate's sponsors, Hired children to describe it.

Argument, Hosted by Bloomberg and The buenos aires Post, Is devoted to the economy, But in between listening to Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Plan and the Texas marvel, Viewers are likely to watch cute kids elucidate the nation's budget 72.00 Commission! — Super Targeted, High Converting Product For High School And College Football Coaches And Players. Hard Copy Option Also Available! Upsells Coming Soon! Get Bigger, Faster, Stronger For Football problem.

The opening ad begins with a young girl sitting at a desk in front of a blackboard saying "During this debate, You'll be hearing a lot from me and my friends about the nation's debt. Special, We're those will be picking up the tab,

The campaign features spots on concern from a young boy in glasses: "Interest piles up like a credit card and by 2055 interest rates will eat up 100 percent of all tax revenues, And one on the nation's debt's effect on the economy from another young boy wearing an argyle sweater.

All these children and baggers is useful for my high school senior thats is well versed in AP. macro

Economics and AP mini economics. The only thing that befuddles him is why baggers do not understand basic economics and how you pay for thing with no tax revenues, Streets,Classes,

Doctor's offices or restaurants,Scientific research for obesity(Blood pressure levels,Heart related illnesses) That skyrocket cost for the whole family,And all social remedies that baggers nurse on but complain about. Most obese countries are Red suggests. FACT This child is home schooling in repub/bagger voodoo economics.

Are any one of these children going to explain that it has been a generation's worth of REPUBLICAN deficit spending policies that got us in the mess we are in? Or that it was the last REPUBLICAN lead designer in collusion with a REPUBLICAN-Avoided Congress that allowed the "payg" Codes (Which helped actually develop modest budget surplus) Expire in 2003 prior to going on a tax cutting and spending spree? Or that it was decades of REPUBLICAN economic and deregulation policies that have created auto mess we find ourselves in today? I did not think so